I wasn't expecting guests here so I've not cleaned up. You can check out the links but I suspect they'll just be the example pages that came with the template for a short while.
I am Paul Taylor
Globally reknowned International VAT Expert
DJ - Formerly mobile DJ, currently a lapsed internet radio show DJ
Sometime internet tinkerer and decidely amateur webdev
Fantastic Husband and Dad, and general alround goodguy
A photo taken for use in my 2022 by-election campaign for the Chasetown ward of Lichfield District Council.
RSS Reader
I've also installed a self-hosted RSS reader on a subdomain.
FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator. It's also the first "self-hosted" application that has come with install and get started instruction that I've been able to follow.
Facebook and Twitter Cards
Using this site to experiment with creating Facebook and Twitter cards.
I've got the Facebook card working but I can't get the image to show on the Twitter card for some reason.
I've also created a favicon for this page that's different to the icon on the YOURLS admin page.
Set up this site following a loss of server to replace my previous URL shortener.
One could use this setup to write a blog short updates. For images make sure to use the loading="lazy" attribute, so they get loaded only when needed.
You might be able to use it for iframe embeds too(?), but maybe just write a link to the Youtube video instead.
This website is based on the single-file-website template by "John Doe". I mean, shit. If I can't build a website from this template I should just give up and crawl under a digital rock.